Visual and Performing Arts

Strategies for 2nd Grade Visual and Performing Arts

Visual and Performing Arts Content Standards 

California Content Standards:

  1. Students can create movement to different tempos.
  2. Students can create, memorize,  and perform original expressive movement.
  3. Students can name and perform traditional dances.
  4. Students can retell a story by acting out the beginning, middle, and the end.
  5. Students can use their voice and body to improvise.
  6. Students can name the elements of art.
  7. Students can use different art tools.
  8. Students can explain how they used their work to share their experiences.


  1. Visual Arts
  2. Theater
  3. Dance

Parents can help by:

  1. Talk about art with your child.  Talk about art you have hung up at home, music you enjoy, or art that you see when you are in outside.
  2. Have materials that your child can use to create.  It could be recycled materials, shells, twigs, or anything you have at your home.
  3. Stimulate interest by taking your child to art museums.  Many museums have free days or children can get in for free.  LACMA is free for children and the adult attending with the child.

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