Special Instructions for me

If you have any questions or special instructions for the teacher, please send them to class in a written form, preferably attached to the outside of your child’s backpack. Written messages placed in lunch boxes are often “forgotten” until snack time, and then it is not always possible to act on them in a timely manner.  Even the best of young memories often fail, and we have found that verbal instructions often become garbled, or are forgotten altogether.  I can also be reached at omc6206@lausd.net.

Also, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, send in a note of explanation whenever your child misses school.  This note is required by the State of California in order for the school to receive “average daily attendance” funds.  If, at the end of the month, we have absences without notes from parents, we must take planning time to call and confirm illness, a visit to the dentist, etc.  You can also send me an e-mail with the reason for the absence.  A note is not necessary if your child is tardy.


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